In February of 2022, Kiwanis members once again delivered dictionaries to all 3rd graders in Polk County School. Below are pictures of 3rd graders receiving their own personal dictionaries at Polk Central, Tryon Elementary, Saluda and Sunny View.

In December of 2021, our Club President, Linda Greensfelder, delivered shoes for kids to Monica Barber at Sunny View School. The shoes were donated by club members.
In late January/early February 2021 our club donated dictionaries to every 3rd grade student in Polk County Schools. Below are pictures of students receiving dictionaries at Polk Central , Saluda, Sunny View and Tryon Elementary.
December of 2020 - The Girl Scouts of Tryon Troop #13161 stopped by to sing Christmas Carols to two of our members - Colin Carrigan and Lee Cobourn.
In July & August of 2020, Colin Carrigan and Lee Cobourn taught the Girl Scouts how to build bookshelves. The bookshelves were donated to Roseland Community Center.
On June 1, 2018, Steps To Hope dedicated their new playground which the Tryon Kiwanis Club helped to build by giving a donation. One of our members, Lee Cobourn, with the help of Habitat for Humanity, helped to put the playground together.
The Kiwanis Club of Tryon has achieved Blue-level Today Club status for the 2016–17 Kiwanis year. That means our club’s unrestricted gifts to the Kiwanis Children’s Fund reached a per-member giving average of $10.
8-23-17: Local Girl Scouts spoke to the Club about their efforts to raise money to help build a playground at Steps to Hope. Our Club has already contributed $500 towards the playground project at Steps to Hope.

Miscellaneous pictures throughout the years.